The idea
'The Flash Fox' came from photographing weddings as Matt Fox Photography and seeing the many photo booths my clients were hiring fall short of the quality and aesthetic I strive for. So the hunt began to produce something of my own which perfectly compliments my photography as well as standing on its own as a great product.
I wanted to do things a little differently so most of the props come from antique stores and boot sales rather than anything inflatable and ‘tacky’
Your print template can be completely bespoke and custom to you. So send over your ideas and I shall design them myself.
Finally, your photos afterwards are edited to the same standard as my photography for everyone to enjoy for free from your online gallery.
Enter The Flash Fox,
For style it is handcrafted in Yorkshire by master craftsman, from oak and plywood, it's retro styling and deluxe detailing mean it can fit in at any venue. With the interior full of the latest technology to bring you instant prints and making sure everyone is looking their best.
All this has made me proud to offer a 'photo booth' in line with my own photography.

Our Booths
Light Edition / Dark Edition
Light Edition
Dark Edition

Real Weddings